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Orders for this book are currently on hold as Mícheál’s family take time to deal with their loss. An update will be posted soon. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Author: Las Fallon
 ISBN: 978-1-908056-95-5. 84 pp + Cover. A5. Cover colour, text black and white. €12.50 + p&p

In the hey-day of the Western movie, whiskey was often called ‘firewater’.

But never was that term more apt than on a night in 1875 when thousands of litres of burning whiskey flowed like lava through the streets of the Liberties area of Dublin, threatening to totally destroy the remnants of the old city, and the lives of its residents.

Unable to use water to extinguish the conflagration, Captain Robert Ingram of the Dublin Fire Brigade devised an innovative plan, both original in concept and daring in execution, to tame the flames and save he Liberties and, possibly, the whole city.

Now historian, author and  former Fire Brigade member for 32 years, Las Fallon tells this unusual tale in detail, bringing the events of the night of June 18, 1875 back to life and into public memory again, while also examining why it was to be forgotten so quickly in the first place. 

Allegedly, some thirteen people lost their lives in the fire - not through injury but by over-indulgence in golden nectar that flowed through the streets of the Liberties! Las questions this number, and looks in detail at what is known about the deaths that did occur.

The book is a tribute to Dublin Fire Brigade in its inception years, and to the ingenuity of Fire Chief Ingram - a man to whom Dublin knows so much, and has repaid him by forgetting him. There is not, the author tells us, even a headstone on his grave!

Were it not for the bravery and diligence of Dublin Fire brigade this fire, which was quickly contained despite its volatility and size, would undoubtedly have spread further, burning its way through the Liberties of Dublin until it was completey out of control and threatened to whole south side of Dublin.

Copiously illustrated with contemporary illustrations, this is a fascinating and timely read.

Read and hear what others say about the fire and the book here:
 Pat Nolan's superb review of and praise for the book in Drinks Industry Ireland magazine and also online on their website here
The author takes a trip around the sites of the Great Liberties Whiskey Fire with Donal Fallon on his Three Castles Burning blog here
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